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relationship with God

This week on a phone conversation with a friend, she asked what’s become our custom at the end of our calls: What’s one intimate prayer request I can pray for?

It was probably telling that I didn’t really know.

My times with God have been short-circuited this week: whether by sleeping in a little later because it’s spring break, or a child rising at a weird hour and choosing to make breakfast sausage, or my to-do’s, or a happy surprise call with my niece and nephew, or my own inability to know what to interact with God about, and sensing less clear direction from him. Spring break is also my internal memo to have all hands on deck to spend time with my kids.

“Most of the things we need to be most fully alive never come in busyness. They grow in rest.” Mark Buchanan

To take an illustration from Ruth Hayley Barton, my relationship with God today resembles a jar of river water. It needs to sit awhile for the sediment to settle. For the water to become clear.

“[In spiritual direction,] the question asked is not ‘What should be happening in my life?’ but ‘What is happening in my life?’ We look for God here, now, because the place we are in our lives is the place where we find God.” Alice Fryling, Seeking God Together

(If you’re here, too, wise friends who listen well, ask good questions, and make space help your relationship with God, too.)

So this morning, I poked around online to compile a list of questions to give me some spiritual direction. If I shared that list with you, it’d be plagiarism. And you are likely adept at Googling, copying, and pasting like the rest of us.

Instead, I’m sharing a printable version of questions to take your relationship with God deeper. If you’re looking to pray or journal, consider biting off a couple of these at a time–and maybe even following the Holy-Spirit-led bunny trails that go with ’em.

Because even in our distracted weeks, when we’re not-quite-present with God–He’s present with us. So pry open some space. Get quiet. Get ready to listen. (And maybe talk about these with a close friend, too.)

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in.

Four pages of Questions to Take Your Relationship with God Deeper:

Print them here free.

relationship with God

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