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Permanent Markers: Meditation

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Permanent Markers

Lectio Divina: Printable Infographic

Print this graphic here.

lectio divina

Print out adult coloring pages with Scripture verses.

First, talk to your kids about “chewing” on God’s Word. You might talk about Psalm 1: Happy are those who don’t listen to the wicked, who don’t go where sinners go, who don’t do what evil people do. They love the Lord’s teachings, and they think about those teachings day and night (NCV).

When we tried this, I also played songs from Seeds Family Worship (which I adore, and which does not need to remain relegated to the back of my minivan; when you buy a CD, you get an extra to share with a friend!). My kids liked this so much we did it for another three days. Hang up finished artwork for more meditation!

Display free printable Scripture art.

It’s been all over the place in our house, and sometimes I swap it out for new verses. My fridge has been covered in the past and I tped small ones on the backs of doors, lined the kids’ mirror in their bathroom, and hung it on the sides of their bookshelves (and in “meditative” places…um, like beside the toilet).

At times, I’ve given kids a small reward when they discover a new verse and can come tell me what they think it means.

A few to print free:

Print these here.

Thanksgiving Scripture art

Thanksgiving Scripture art

Thanksgiving Scripture art

Grab several similar watercolor designs below from the book of Ephesians, featured in this post.


Print Psalm 62:8 here.


Print out Scripture cards to memorize together.

FREEBIE: Printable Watercolor Scripture Memory Cards, Colossians 1

FREEBIE FRIDAY: Printable Watercolor Scripture Memory Cards, Colossians 3

Spiritual Life Skills for Kids: Courage (with Book List & Printable Memory Cards!)

Hope: It’s What to Chew On (FREE Verse Printables)

Make the Most of Reading Together.

Check out this post on 32 Ways to Make the Most of Reading with Kids, and this one on Picture Books that Teach Values.

I love books full of book lists, like

Kids keep thinking on these principles, and love to read them over and over!


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