I’m the one who ostensibly believes “Uncomfortable Conversations are Worth Having,” right? But when it comes to actually hitting “publish” on all those burning relationship questions, sometimes I feel squeamish.
It helps that clients commission me to write about all the awkwardness. So I’m corralling a few pieces to help you pick through some of the tough stuff in your own home.
I’ve begun contributing regularly to Focus on the Family–so see what you think of these.
Should I Let My 15-year-old Go on a Date?
Disciplining Your Kids? Think Bigger
What Are the Christian Roles of Husband and Wife?
Transforming Disrespectful Behavior in Teens
If you’re game, I’m scheduled to appear on Focus on the Family’s national podcast on Thursday-Friday, October 3-4. Once October 3 hits, find the first episode here.
I’ve been a regular contributor to FamilyLife.com for about seven years (heard of the Weekend to Remember marriage getaway? Same people). Here’s some of what I’ve been working on for them.
How Not to Talk Like/Act Like a Weird Christian
7 Things To Know as a Woman Leading Others
How Can I Empower Women around Me to Lead?
Talking with Kids about Sex? Start Here
In partnership with Dr. Juli Slattery’s ministry, Authentic Intimacy, I helped create these resources for FamilyLife, as part of their fabulous new series of pages on Talking to Kids about Sex.
What Teens Need to Know about Sex
What Preteens Need to Know about Sex
What Elementary Schoolers Need to Know about Sex
What Preschoolers Need to Know about Sex
Talking to Kids about Sex? Don’t Forget Identity
I’m cheering you on. Keep leaning in.
1 Comment
Chelsey Schaefer - 6 months ago
Hello! I’m reading your book Permanent Markers and am loving it- my son is 2 and I tend to be a rather firm mother; your book is helping me to reconnect to the loving side of parenting (like it was with my child as a darling baby) rather than the constant discipline it feels like two year olds need to keep from turning into gremlins. Already I know that I’m parenting from shame rather than from love, and I want to do better!! Your section that talked about making our kid’s Christian behavior our idol really spoke to me- I’m doing that and it’s bad! I can’t wait to keep reading and reconnecting with my toddler. 🙂