So my husband is a classic introvert, which may (rightly) make you wonder what it’s like being married to a person like yours truly.
He’s also a friendly introvert. His entire occupation is dedicated to taking care of people, and sometimes his entire day is full of meetings. With, y’know, people who talk.
That is to say, sometimes he arrives home with The Look on his face.
The Look is a very kind one, mind you. It’s just a little strained around the edges, bulging with other people’s words he’s been kindly receiving all day.
I, on the other hand, work at home all day. So I’m delighted to see him! My best friend to process with! Yippee!
So together, he and I have learned a lot about this funny dance when one of you likes to externally process more than the other. We’ve actually got a good rhythm–but it’s not one we just woke up with one day.
I’m writing over at today about 7 Ideas to Get Your Husband to Talk to You.
Want to hop over and check it out?
Dani Cypert - 6 years ago
Oh boy is this spot on for me! Thanks so much for these ideas.
These are brillant and full of grace. ❤
Janel Breitenstein - 6 years ago
Thanks so much for the warm words (as always!), Dani. I’m still making them a reality 😉
"I'll find you": What we long to hear - THE AWKWARD MOM - 6 years ago
[…] “How can I get my husband to talk to me?”Tips for engaging the strong, silent type […]