For the ideas and suggestions behind this series, click here.
- What is one great memory you have with me, and one you have with Dad/Mom (the opposite parent; feel free to modify for your parenting situation)?
- What’s one of your favorite school subjects? What about your least favorite?
- What’s one of the most fun things you’ve done lately?
- What’s one way you feel people don’t always “get” you?
- What do you love about our house?
- If you could ask me any question, what would it be? (I can’t promise I’ll answer it, but I can promise I’ll consider it.)
- If you could go to any time in history, where and when would you go?
- Is there anything in your life right now that makes you feel sad, angry, or afraid? (For tips on dealing with fear, check out this post and its sequel.)
- If you could enter into the world of a movie you’ve seen, what would it be?
- If you could be an animal for a day, which would you pick?
1 Comment
Mary Walker - 10 years ago
This is such an awesome idea; wish I would have thought of it with MY kids. Love you, Gma